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Wind blowing across the water (Apex)

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Q: What causes the ocean waves that surfers use for their sport?
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Related questions

What type of waves do surfers look for?

waves with alot of ocean tides

Does wave transmit momentum?

Yes, waves can carry momentum. This can be seen in phenomena like the transfer of momentum from ocean waves to surfers or in the pressure exerted by sound waves on a surface.

How does the affect of the moon affect surfers?

the moon causes tides, which are waves. Please someone further explain how the moon does it.

What causes ocean currents and why is it important?


What causes waves in the Atlantic ocean?

the wind

Wind blowing across the ocean causes what?


What has the author Drew Kampion written?

Drew Kampion has written: 'The lost coast' -- subject(s): Fiction, Surfing, Surfers 'The Book of Waves' -- subject(s): Pictorial works, Ocean waves, Water waves, Nature photography

What winds move the ocean current?

it causes current waves.

What do people look out at the ocean to see?

People look out at the sea to see different things, such as whales, sharks, dolphins, the waves, ships, fishermen, or surfers. Some like to look at the reflections of the sun on the waves.

What are ocean breakers?

Ocean breakers are large waves that form and break typically near the shoreline. They are caused by the interaction of wind, currents, and obstacles in the water. Breakers are important for coastal erosion and the formation of beaches.

Do surfers use swash waves for surfing?

yes they do

How far out do surfers go?

Anywhere there are waves... ANYWHERE