they burst the ear drum that's what causes hearing loss
Outer ear
The ear responds logarithmically to different sounds. The ear which is divided into inner ear, outer ear and middle ear responds differently according to sound frequency and intensity.
Outer ear
Outer ear
Outer ear
The human ear can hear sounds up to a frequency of about 20,000 Hertz.
What causes. Clicking. In my left ear only
Ear is the name given to an organ used for hearing sounds. Therefore an ear is used for hearing sounds.
The pinna, also known as the auricle, helps collect and direct sound waves into the ear canal. It also assists in localizing the source of sounds.
The ear canal directs sounds from the external ear, which is designed to capture sounds, to the more sensitive eardrum and inner ear (which are within the skull and better protectedWax in the ear canal keeps dust and small animals away from the eardrum. In cats and other animals, the ears must sometimes be cleaned of mites.The ear canal directs sounds from the external ear, which is designed to capture sounds, to the more sensitive eardrum and inner ear (which are somewhat better protected).The ear canal directs sounds from the external ear, which is designed to capture sounds, to the more sensitive eardrum and inner ear (which are somewhat better protected).It channels sound to the ear drum
The region of the ear that funnels sounds is called the Pinna. The Pinna collects sounds and acts like a funnel.