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sinking of dense, cold water with high salinity

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i have no idea amigo

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Q: What cause cold deep currents to from in the oceans near the poles?
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What is the cause of surface currents?

The circulation of cold and warm water between the poles and the equator, and the rotation of the earth, cause ocean currents to flow.

Why do many ocean current begin near the equator?

It is hotter near the equator and cooler near the poles. It is this difference between warm and cold currents that cause the ocean currents - helped slightly by the rotation of the earth - to flow across the oceans of the world.

Are the oceans cold at the poles of the equator?

The oceans are colder at the poles compared to the equator. Near the poles, polar regions experience colder temperatures and often have sea ice present, while the equator receives direct sunlight and is warmer, leading to higher ocean temperatures.

Where do warm currents move from?

Warm currents move from the equator to the poles, and the cold currents move from the poles to the equator. :D

What are cold and warm currents?

Cold water travels from the poles towards the equator. An example of a cold water current is the California Current. Warm water travels from the equator towards the poles. An example of a warm water current is the Gulf Stream.

How do convection currents distribute heat in the oceans?

Convection currents in the oceans distribute heat by transferring warm water from the equator towards the poles and cold water from the poles towards the equator. This process helps regulate global temperature patterns and redistributes heat throughout the ocean, influencing weather patterns and climate.

How do ocean currents get warm or cold?

if its by the equator or the two poles, its gonna be cold water currents. hope this helps :)

What type of currents carry cold dense water from the poles toward the equator?

Surface currents

What way does the ocean water move globally?

Along warm water currents from the equator to the poles.

Ocean currents that move toward the poles are?


In what way does ocean water move globally?

Along cold water currents from the poles to the equator.

What causes cold deep currents to in the ocean near the poles?

Sinking of dense, cold water with high salinity :)