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Q: What can people use rivers to generate?
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Which of the following does not use heat to generate electricity?

Hydropower does not use heat to generate electricity. Instead, it harnesses the energy from moving water, such as rivers or waterfalls, to generate power through turbines.

Why is Bangladesh unable to use the Ganges and the Brahmaputra rivers to generate hydroelectricity?

Lack of funds.

How did rivers affect eastern Europe?

Water helps to generate hydroelectric power, which has commercial use.

What moderntechnology do people use live along rivers today?

people who live along the rivers use there hands and clothes

Why do people use turbines?

To generate electricity.

Why do so many people in India and Bangladesh live by the Ganges River?

People live near rivers because rivers provide them with fresh water to drink and bathe in, and they get fish from the water too. They also use rivers for transportation and to grow crops.People live near rivers because rivers provide them with fresh water to drink and bathe in, and they get fish from the water too. They also use rivers for transportation and to grow crops.

How do people use the rivers and valleys?

Uhm... Travel?

What do people use to cross deep rivers or valleys?

A bridge

Do people use the rivers for water in Belgium?

Yes they do that is a silly question

How did people use rivers along the Fall Line?

they used the water

How do the people use the Mekong river?

They fish in the rivers and use the water for many showering, cooking and such

Why does a river have nuclear energy?

Rivers do not naturally have nuclear energy. Nuclear energy is generated through nuclear reactions in power plants, not from rivers themselves. Rivers may be used for cooling purposes in nuclear power plants, but they do not generate nuclear energy on their own.