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The sun, a lamp, microwaves, stoves, ovens, and some other electronic stuff i don't feel like naming! :)

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Q: What can cause heat besides fire?
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How can heat source cause a fire?

A heat source can cause a fire by heating materials to their ignition point, where they release flammable vapors that can ignite when exposed to the heat source. This process is known as combustion, and it requires a combination of heat, fuel, and oxygen to sustain the fire.

What cause you to get warm if you stand near a fire?

the heat from the fire! what kind of question is that?

Why do you need car engine to heat heat up quickly?

it can cause to fire and

What is needed to cause a fire?

Heat, fuel and oxygen

Fact or theory is fire hot?

It is a fact that fire is hot. Fire produces heat through chemical reactions that release energy in the form of heat and light. This heat can cause burns and ignite other materials.

Besides fuel air and sufficient heat the other consideration in creating a flaming fire is the?

presence of oxygen. Oxygen is necessary for combustion to occur and sustain a fire. Without oxygen, a fire cannot burn.

What are three sources of heat that may cause fire?

Three common sources of heat that may cause a fire include electrical malfunctions, open flames (such as candles or gas stoves), and sparks generated by grinding or welding tools.

Besides Georgia how many other states can fire you without cause?

New York, definitely. I'm not sure which others.

Can you machine dry a foam pillow?

No. Heat will melt the foam and possibly cause a fire

Is fire the cause by another kind of invisible radiant energy know as ultraviolet?

Fire can be caused by any concentration of heat, in flammable materials. The cause can include visible or invisible radiation.

Why should you not overload plug sockets?

because it can overload and then create to much heat and cause a fire

How can a glass bottle cause a fire?

If the bottle is left in a place where the sun can shine through it, the bottle can magnify the heat from the sun and start a fire.