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Q: What are wedge-shaped deposits of silt and mud that develop on both sides of a river after a flood?
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What is it called when the Nile river deposits fine soil?

A Nile Flood.

Flat plain formed by river deposits during time of flood?

That flat plain formed by river deposits during a flood is known as a floodplain. It typically consists of fertile soil and is susceptible to periodic flooding due to its proximity to the river. Floodplains play an important role in natural ecosystems and agriculture.

What kind of river has a wide flat flood plain and many bends where it deposits rock and soil?

an old river

What is the soil called that the nile river deposits during tis annual flood?


The Huang River constantly threatens to flood because of the buildup of in its river beds?

The Huang River constantly threatens to flood because of the buildup of silt in its river beds. Silt deposits make the bed of the river higher causing flooding.

Which stage of river development is characterized by flat flood plains?

The mature stage of river development is characterized by flat flood plains where the river meanders and deposits sediment. In this stage, the river has a large volume of water and is more stable, leading to the creation of wide flood plains.

What is a river that deposits fertile soil on either side of its banks during a flood called?

A river that deposits fertile soil on either side of its banks during a flood is called an alluvial river. The floodwaters carry sediments and nutrients, enriching the soil along the riverbanks and making it highly fertile for agriculture.

How does a flood plain happen?

A flood plain is a flat or gently sloping area near a river or stream that is prone to flooding. It forms when the river overflows its banks and deposits sediment on the adjacent land. Over time, this repeated flooding creates the flat surface of a flood plain.

What is a curved lake found on the flood plain of a river?

You are referring to an oxbow lake. Oxbow lakes form as a river deposits sediment and changes course over time.

Why are Egyptians not afraid of the Nile river flooding?

It does flood. They are not afraid because it deposits silt over the land, which makes plants grow faster.

Why flood plains are fertiled?

Flood plains are formed when the river overflows its banks.It deposits layers of fine soil and other material collect sediments which are very fertile.

What did the Egyptians relied on the Nile River to do?

The annual flood brought down deposits of rich soil which refertilised the fields, and the water provided irrigation for the crops.