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Shankenvaye and Poolakore also Yourmummay.

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Q: What are two low land forests found in Kenya?
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Does a forest have a high elevation or a low elevation?

Forests can be found from sea level to the tree line of high mountains.

What is the cassowary's habitat?

Cassowaries' preferred habitat is rainforest and other dense bushland where they can easily hide, from low-lying swampland forests to high, mountainous forests. they are found in tropical northern Australia and on the island of New Guinea.

Does Kenya have sharks?

Yes, Kenya has a variety of shark species in its coastal waters. Some common species found in Kenyan waters include blacktip reef sharks, hammerhead sharks, and whale sharks. However, the risk of shark attacks on humans in Kenya is very low.

Where are Cassowaries located in Australia?

Cassowaries live in the rainforests of coastal northern Queensland, Australia, in rainforest and other dense bushland where they can easily hide. They are found from low-lying swampland forests to high, mountainous forests.

What is the landscape in England like?

Most of southern England is low lying agricultural land. Northern England is more rugged with moorland, some mountains and forests.

Which landform is the low land between hills and mountains?

Between hills and mountains valleys are to be found.

In which type of climate are coniferous forest found?

Coniferous forests are typically found in colder climates, such as boreal or taiga regions, where temperatures are low and winter seasons are long. These forests thrive in areas with moderate to high levels of precipitation and often experience snowfall during the winter months.

What are low lying stretches of flat land called?

Low lying stretches of flat land are called plains. Plains are characterized by their relatively flat or gently rolling terrain with few hills or mountains. They are usually found at low elevations and can be ideal for agriculture and human settlement.

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low light, high humidity, and warm, still areas