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Q: What are three negative effects of diverting or stopping the flow of river water?
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Why is it not a good idea diverting rivers?

Diverting rivers can disrupt ecosystems, harm wildlife, and affect water quality downstream. It can also lead to negative consequences such as habitat loss, reduced groundwater recharge, and increased risk of flooding in certain areas. Additionally, diverting rivers may have long-lasting impacts on the environment and can be expensive to maintain.

What are the negative effects of the ganges river?

get the hell out of here

What are some negative effects of bridges?

Takes up space where land could grow, or where a river can form.

What are some negative effects of the Three Gorges Dam?

The three negative effects are: 1: Sewage and dust (pollution) is falling into the river 2: Villigers are forced to migrate 3: Its a very costly situation ~Hero_Kid

Constructing a dam on the Elwha River had many negative effects?

rgw Elwha dam is a scar upon the environment with significant effects anyone can easily see

What were the negative and positive effects of the indus river valley?

Positive effect - protects Egypt from Invasions Negative effect - yearly floods damage buildings and kill plants

What are two positive and two negative effects of India's great river?

two positive (1) they get water (2) they can get energy from flowing water negative (2) it is polluted (1) it is far distances from their homes

People changed the Nile River?

By pollution, by using its water for irrigation, building dams and diverting its flow etc - see the link below.

Have you had any bad effects on the zambezi river?

No, I have not had any bad effects on the Zambesi River.

How you stopping the pollution?

I can stop the pollution by not throwing garbage in the sea, not throwing plastics in the river si the sea or river will no be polluted.

How can we save a river from water pollution?

Easy. By stopping to put polluting stuff in it.

Where do rivers and oceans meet?

That is called the river's mouth. A delta could form there from the sediments settling there do to the river slowing down or stopping.