Some would be the five blues lakes, Belize River and the Gulf of Honduras Having been in both inland rivers & offshore sea I assure you the coral off the cays is the better of the two views ! Schnorkelling among the barracuda will be a sight I remember for a very long time, as will dinghy sailing with dophins under the boat.
There are several bodies of water in Belize. Some include the Mopan River, Belize River, Macal River, and the Gulf of Honduras.
I believe they are the Belize River, Mopan River, Macal River, Sibun River, Mullins River, North and South Stann Creek Rivers, Middle River, Moho River, Sittee River, Sarstoon River, Money River, New River, Rio Hondo River, and Temash River. Am I missing any I'm doing this off the top of my head?
There are 8 rivers in Belize. The major rivers in Belize are the Belize River, the Sibun River, and the New River.
mahowcow and pumazanaintino
Tourism is the obvious #1 industry in Belize. Forestry and lumber is the second largest producer of jobs and revenue in Belize.
Belize City
Mexico is the largest country out of Mexico, Belize, and Nicaragua.
The Nile The Amazon
The Mississippi and the Amazon rivers are the two largest and most important rivers in the western hemisphere.
Actually there are only two cities in Belize:Belmopan and Belize City but Belmopan seems to be the most populated.
Mississippi, Missouri
Mississippi, Missouri
yellow and yangtze