

Best Answer

no oxagon,animals die,and no more paper

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Q: What are the three consequences of destroying forest?
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By farmers destroying the forest how will it make a difference to the mammals?

By farmers destroying the forest how will it make a difference to the mammals?

What is forest destruction?

The destruction, or destroying, of a forest It is the cutting, clearing or burning of trees.

What are the consequences of destroying price tags?

There are no consequences of destroying price tags. There is no consequence because one can easily replace a removed price tag really quickly without any cost.

Why are they destroying the tropical rain forest?

ilove u

How much are forest fires destroying the rainforest?


Why are the animals in the forest dying?

because people are destroying their habitat

How do you use clearance in a sentence?

The clearance of the forest was destroying nature

What will be the consequences if the habitats of forest animals are destroyed?

The forest animals will have no place to exist and will become extinct.

Why is red panda decline?

mostly because of humans destroying their forest habitat

What are the three forest layers?

what are the three layers of the forest

How humans are threatening the rain-forest?

we are the ones logging the trees and destroying habitatsaisha is the best

The lava from a volcano destroying a nearby forest is an example of?

The lava from a volcano destroying a nearby forest is an example of a natural disaster. This process, known as a pyroclastic flow, occurs when hot lava, ash, and gases flow rapidly downhill, destroying everything in its path. It can have devastating effects on the environment and any communities living nearby.