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Rainforests can be found in Central and South America, Africa, India, Southeast Asia, Indonesia and Australia. It is estimated that about half of all animal species live in rainforests, and there are plenty of dangerous animals to be found in rainforests.

Gaboon Viper:Found in the East and West Central African rainforests, its diet consists of small mammals, birds and amphibians. It has venomous fangs that grow to over two inches long. Its bite is can be fatal to humans. Poison Arrow Frog:Found in the Central and South American rainforests, the Poison Arrow Frog family includes some of the most toxic animals in the world. At two inches long, the golden poison arrow frog is venomous enough to kill 10 grown men. Bengal Tiger:Found in the Southeast Asian rainforests, the Bengal tiger is the most common type of tiger found in the wild, and the species numbers about half of all living tigers. It has been known to attack humans in extreme conditions. Jaguar:Found in the Central and South American rainforests, a Jaguar will usually kill its prey with a crushing bite to the skull. Its diet consists of deer, peccary, crocodiles, snakes, monkeys, deer, sloths, tapirs, turtles, eggs, frogs, fish and anything else it can catch. Green Anaconda:Found in the South American rainforests, it is considered to have the largest overall size of all the snakes in the world. It can grow to two feet and weigh over 550 lbs. Its diet consists of wild pigs, deer, birds, turtles, capybara, caimans and on occasion jaguars. It kills its prey by coiling around it and asphyxiating it..
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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

There is the Amazon Rainforest, and the New Guinea Rainforest.

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Some names of rainforests around the world include the Amazon Rainforest in South America, the Congo Rainforest in Africa, the Daintree Rainforest in Australia, and the Southeast Asian rainforests.

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Australia has more than two types of rainforest. Australia has tropical rainforests, sub-tropical rainforests, warm temperate rainforests and cool temperate rainforests.

What the most diverse ecosystem on earth?

There are two: the tropical rainforests and the temperate rainforests. They have five tropic levels.

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Can you specify which rainforest? There are two major rainforests, the Amazon and the Congo. Then there are also many smaller rainforests such as the Minnamurra Rainforests.

How long does winter last in the rainforests?

two mounthes