

Best Answer

Yukon and the Columbia are two major rivers in Canada.

Morecan think of:
  • Fraser
  • North Saskatchewan
  • South Saskatchewan
  • Old Man
  • Churchill
  • Ottawa
  • Red Deer
  • Battleford

And dozens more.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

The major rivers are the St. Lawrence and the Mackenzie...

They are also the Yukon, and the Peace river.

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Q: What are the major rivers of Canada?
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What are the two major rivers in Canada?

The two major rivers in Canada areThe Mackenzie River.The St. Lawrence River.

What are Canada's two major rivers?

The Yukon and the Columbia

3 major rivers in Canada?

Canada is the northernmost country on the continent of North America. Three of Canada's major rivers are the Sagueney River of Quebec, the North Saskatchewan River, and the South Saskatchewan River.

What are the major rivers and bodies of water in Canada?

I whould say the most major is Mackenzie River and lake is lake Supirior

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