The thieves fled with the stolen goods before the authorities arrived.
Den of Thieves - book - was created in 1992.
Den of Thieves - book - has 592 pages.
The ISBN of Den of Thieves - book - is 0-671-79227-X.
The main characters in the story of "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves" are Ali Baba, a poor woodcutter; Morgiana, Ali Baba's clever servant girl; and the leader of the thieves, who is sometimes referred to as Cassim in some versions of the tale.
The book Thieves Like Us was written by Edward Anderson. The book was published in 1937 by Frederick A. Stockes and was adapted into a movie and a play.
The thieves broke into the jewelry store and stole all the valuable items. The police managed to catch the thieves before they could escape with the stolen money. The thieves were notorious for targeting luxury cars in the wealthy neighborhood.
Prince of thieves
Who are the main characters in the book eggs
You need to read the book for the characters.