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Q: What are the approaches in tourism planning?
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What are the planning approaches and techniques?

tourism planning approaches and techniques

What are the tour planning approaches and techniques?

tourism planning approaches and techniques

What are the five levels of tourism planning?

The five levels of tourism planning are:InternationalNationalRegionalSub-regionalFacility or site

What is tourism planning and what is it for?

kinds of tourism planning

Definition of tourism planning?

planning the tourism

What are the types of planning in tourism?

what are the types of tourism planning

What is the relation between tourism planning and tourism development?

Tourism planning is the planning how to implement it. After implementation development is done.

What are the consequences of having a lack of tourism planning or poor tourism planning?

The consequences of having a lack of tourism planning or poor tourism planning is that the tourism industry is unorganized, the tourist does not take the opportunity to travel, the numbers of tourists decrease. and profits decrease.

What are the level of tourism planning?

The five levels of tourism planning are:InternationalNationalRegionalSub-regionalFacility or site

What is major elements in planning a tourism destination?

major elements in planning tourism destination

Why is tourism planning important?

it helps in are wheree tourism is still new

Relation between tourism planning and tourism development?

ourism Planning is planning to attract Tourist somewhere. evelopment is making more for Tourist and making more attractions.