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•Flood Control

•Emissions reductions

•Treating Waste Water

•Generates renewable power


•Creates jobs

•No pollution

•Tourist attraction

•Very powerful; produces a lot of energy


•Relocation; millions of people were forced to move

•Threatens river wildlife

•Disrupts heavy silt flows of the river

•Increases the chances of an earthquake by the weight of tons of water

•Catastrophic Failure

•Pollution build up

•Possible landslides


•Destroyed historical sites

•Flood control (the farmers won't have fertile soil if it doesn't flood, so this fits in the pros & cons category.)

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Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of the three gorges dam?
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What are some of the benefits and disadvantages of the Three Gorges Dam project?

The Three Gorges Dam project of the People's Republic of China remains controversial. The disadvantages include the forced evacuation and relocation of more than a million and the changing of the rivers hydrology and habitat forever. The advantages come from the largest hydroelectric generating station in the world, and a renewable, carbon-free energy source.

How is the Three Gorges Dam different from the Glen Canyon Dam or Hoover Dam?

First the Three Gorges Dam is way bigger and second the Three Gorges Dam is located on the Yangtze River. The Yangtze river is used for commercial shipping and the Colorado river is not used for shipping so the Three Gorges Dam has locks on the side for the passing of ships

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The three gorges dam is in china along the Yangtze River. The dam site is 27 miles upstream from Yichang City.

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well basically, the people with the most interest of the three gorges dam like archeologist and hydrologist.

Which is the World's biggest dam?

Three Gorges dam in China

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What is China's mega dam?

It is the three gorges dam haha!

On what river is the Three Gorges Dam being built?

The Three Gorges Dam is being built on the Yangtze River in South Central China.

What is the sustainability of the three gorges dam in china?

The sustainiblity of 3 gorges dam in china is 100 to 120 billion.

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