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In the deciduous forest there are many flowers like the passion berry and the blue lily. There are many other flowers but those are some of the main ones.

The Deciduous forest does not have much vegetation but there are many trees that contain outrageous amounts of flowers. Animals need these trees because they provide shelter and some use them for food and even water from the leaves. The trees adapt to this forest by having thick bark barriers on the trees to keep the animals out and the trees from dying.

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Q: What are the adaptations of an oak tree in a temperate deciduous forest?
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What forest is same as temperate forest?

the forest that is the same as the temperate forest is called a deciduous forest. it is a forest of trees that change color in the fall, loose their leaves in the winter, and grow new leaves in the spring and sometimes have blossoms in the summer. deciduous means the leaves change colors fall of the tree then grow again.

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Probably because the majority of tree cover in Britain is temperate deciduous forest.

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I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure it is not the temperate deciduous forest, but the rain forest biome that has the most biodiversity.

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Both conifer and deciduous forests are types of terrestrial ecosystems composed of trees. They provide habitats for various species, absorb carbon dioxide, and help regulate the climate. Additionally, they play significant roles in water cycle processes and soil stabilization.

Ash tree where they grow?

In deciduous forest

What is the tallest broadleaf tree in the deciduous forest?

The tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera) is the tallest broadleaf tree in the deciduous forest. It can reach heights of over 150 feet.

Are rhododendrons deciduous?

Rhododendrons are not deciduous. The definition of deciduous is when a tree or a bush loses it's leaves at the endof a growing season.

What type a tree is a ginkgo tree?

The ginkgo tree is a maidenhair In talking about the Deciduous Forest, it is also called a Deciduous Tree because it loses its leaves. Ginko biloba is classed as a deciduous conifer. Commonly known as the Maidenhair or Coffin tree.

What is an example of a autotroph in the temperate forest?

An example of an autotroph in the temperate forest is a deciduous tree, such as oak or maple. These trees are able to produce their own food through photosynthesis using sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide.