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The first one is the sonar used to map out sensed mountains,the second one is scientists found strange rocks shaped like pillows in the central valley of the mid-ocean ridge and the last one is scientists discovered that the rock that makes up the ocean floor lies in pattern of magnetizied "stripes"

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Q: What are the Three ideas scientist have found to support ocean floor spreading from the ridge?
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What three types of evidence provided support of the theory of sea-floor spreading?

three are : eruptions of molten material magnetic stripes in the rock of the ocean floor and the ages of the rocks themselves :)

What three types of evidence provided support of the theory of sea floor spreading?

three are : eruptions of molten material magnetic stripes in the rock of the ocean floor and the ages of the rocks themselves :)

What made the scientist believe that the ocean floor is spreading?

murit ka utouto

What do scientist use to measure the rate of movement of oceanic plates?

sea-floor spreading

What are three types of evidence provided support for sea-floor spreading?

Seismic Waves, Rock formations, and the shapes of the continents over time

What magnetic reversals help support?

the theory of sea-floor spreading

What do magnetic reversals help support?

Magnetic reversals in Earth's history help support the theory of plate tectonics by providing evidence of seafloor spreading and the movement of lithospheric plates. They also assist in dating rocks and determining the age of oceanic crust.

How did research from the Glomar Challenger help scientist support the theory of seafloor spreading?

Drill cores from the ocean floor were dated and found to be very young compared to the age of the earth. This means the crust had to be formed recently, which can be explained by creation of crust at a spreading center.

What did scientist discovere when they analyzed the magnetic bands on the ocean floor?

Scientists found Alternating bands of magnetism.