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Special kinds of roots that help tall trees stay upright are called Buttress roots. These roots stick out at the base and on top of the ground. They are usually found on trees that are growing in nutrient poor soil. Buttress roots stabilize the tree.

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Q: What are special kinds of roots that help tall trees stay upright called?
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Where the plant get substance from?

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What are the special roots in plants like rhizophora are called?

The special roots in plants like Rhizophora are called pneumatophores. These roots grow vertically out of the ground and help facilitate gas exchange in waterlogged environments, such as mangrove swamps, where the soil is low in oxygen. By extending above the water level, pneumatophores allow the plant to obtain oxygen for root respiration.

How do plant roots breathe in the soil?

Plant roots take in oxygen from the air spaces in the soil through a process called diffusion. This oxygen diffuses into the roots through small openings called root hairs, allowing the roots to carry out cellular respiration and growth. Waterlogging or compacted soil can limit the availability of oxygen for roots and affect plant growth.

What are the 4 kinds of roots?

Not sure what answer you are looking for, but here are 4 types of roots in math. First is a square roots, next is cube roots, then the nth roots, and lastly rational roots.

Which part of a plant helps keep the plant in upright position?


The corn plant has roots?

All plants have roots. How else would they feed, or stand upright.

Why roots classified as specialized roots?

because they have their own special functions

What do the roots do for the flower?

Roots bring water and nutrients to the whole plant. Without water to " crack " the process of photosynthesis would not be possible. Also, roots help keep the plants upright and/or in a fixed location.