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Q: What are some of the secondary consumers in the tropical rainforest?
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What are some of the consumers of the tropical rainforest?

monkeys,zebra,and frogs.

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what are some recourses in the tropical rainforest

What are some secondary consumers in a tropical rainforest?

some primary consumers from the tropical rain forest are- grass hoppers, nectar and pollen feeding insects, earthworms, termites, wood borer, beetles, slugs, humming birds, squirrels and deers

What are some countries that are within a tropical rainforest?

are there some countries near the tropical rainforest

Are fish primary consumers or secondary consumers?

primary consumer

What are some cooperation of tropical rainforest?


What are the secondary consumers of a swamp?

Secondary consumers are those animals that eat primary consumers. Secondary consumers in a pond include frogs, fish, and some insects.

Is minnamurra rainforest a tropical rainforest?

The Minnamurra Rainforest in Australia is a subtropical rainforest, characterized by a mix of temperate and tropical species. It is not classified as a purely tropical rainforest due to its cooler temperatures and some different plant species compared to those found in equatorial regions.

What is the difference between primary secondary and tertiary consumers?

Some consumers are called "primary consumers" and others are called "secondary consumers" because the primary consumer is the first consumer and a secondary is the second consumer.

What are some biomes in Costa Rica?

tropical rainforest

What are some characteristic animals of a tropical rainforest?


What are some tropical rainforest health issues?
