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There are many types of Saltwater Fish. Coastal fish live in the ocean near the shore. Deep sea fish live deep in the ocean below where the sunlight reaches. Pelagic fish live near the surface of the ocean. Demersal fish live near the bottom of a salt lake or sea. Coral reef fish live in or near coral reefs.

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Q: What are some of the most common salt water fish?
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What is the water common salt water fish?

the most common salt water fish is sardines

What fish is the most common?

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the most common Freshwater Fish is the carp. The most common salt water fish is the bristle mouth.

What are some species of fish you can keep?

This link lists the most common fresh water aquarium fish (excludes salt water fish), there are hundreds.

What saltwater fish that can live in freshwater?

One of the most common fish that can live in both salt and fresh water is a salmon:)

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Most salt water fish will die if placed in fresh water.

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There are fish that are commonly called "Bream" in both fresh and salt water.

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Is haddock a fresh water or salt water fish?

It is a marine fish found in the atlantic ocean.

If fishes can survive in salt and fresh water what are their range of tolerance?

Many fish that do so, such as salmon, move between these environments at a slow pace. Many fish are adapted to live in either condition but that change can occur. Higher concentrations of salt would cause a freshwater fish to become dehydrated and eventually die. Fresh water would affect salt water fish by bloating. Water is used to balance the effects of salt but when salt water fish are introduced to fresh water quickly that balance is upset and thus, we have a high amount of water, bloating.

What water is most common on earth?

salt water

Where can you get salt water fish?

Most pet stores that sell fish also sell fresh and salt water fish. Read up and learn about salt water tanks because they are different to take care of than a fresh water tank.

Where do the salt water hatchet fish live?

the salt water hatchet fish live in salt water!!!