Alternative treatments include acupuncture to facilitate healing and microcirculation, pulsed ultrasound, and myofascial release work for the affected area.
There are many popular non surgical treatments for wrinkles, one of which is Botox. Another very popular option is microdermabrasion.
Some treatments for sciatic pain are to see a spine doctor and see if they can prescribe a medicine painkiller, or help with surgical or non-surgical methods to help relieve pain.
Locking of the thumb or finger in a downward position could be due to trigger finger, a condition where the tendon in the affected finger becomes inflamed and causes difficulty in straightening the finger. Manual assistance to push the finger back upright can help release the tendon from its locked position. Treatment options may include rest, splinting, and in severe cases, surgical intervention.
There are many anti-aging treatments available, both surgical and non-surgical. Surgical treatments include face lifts, eye lid lifts, and liposuction around the eyes and under the chin. There are also laser skin therapies to remove age spots and injections such as botox. Non-surgical anti-aging treatments include creams, especially those with antioxidants.
There are both surgical and nonsurgical options to treat a herniated disc. Nonsurgical treatments include medication and going to a chiropractor. Steroid injections are also available for this condition.
Multiple Sclerosis is thought by some scientists to be an autoimmune disease, but some disagree. Crohn's disease used to be described as an autoimmune disease, but more recent reseach has revealed it to be an immune deficiency state. Trigger Finger is also not an autoimmune disease.
There are a number of treatment options for the removal of a pilondial cyst such as taking antibiotics, marsupialization, which is a surgical procedure, and drainage of the fluid.
Hyperhidrosis is a condition noted for an abnormal amount of increased sweating. Some treatments include surgery or medically formulated topical applications. A new technology of hyperhidrosis treatment is Miradry which uses microwave technology and is a perfect non-surgical permanent solution for axillary sweat.
If you have gum disease some of the possible treatments for you can be professional dental cleaning, scaling and root planning (which is basically a deeper cleaning), or you can go surgical with the bone grafts.
You are developing what rheumatologists call a "trigger finger". You'll eventually develop a bumpthe size of a small 'BB' under the skin of the palm at the base of that finger. Eventually, the bumpwill become painful, and the finger may swell. If someone were to ask me what to do about it,I would tell the story of how a cortisone shot into the base of the finger fixed up my trigger fingerpractically overnight, after six occupational therapy sessions had accomplished nothing. This is onlya story, not advice or recommendation. You have to consult an actual doctor, not some anonymousweirdo on the internet.
Most of the hair loss treatments are shams. If you are interested in approved hair loss treatments visit this website I personally know of none that actually work.