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Poverty, cleanliness, population, locality misuse of funds are some common problems.

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Q: What are some common problems of a Barangay in the Philippines?
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Related questions

What are some barangay problems?

Some common barangay problems include lack of basic services like clean water and sanitation, inadequate infrastructure such as roads and hospitals, insufficient funds for community projects, and poor governance or corruption among barangay officials.

What are the top 10 biggest baranggay in the Philippines in terms of land area?

Some of the top 10 biggest barangays in the Philippines in terms of land area are Barangay Dicamay in Palanan, Isabela; Barangay Balatucan in Rizal, Kalinga; Barangay Namuac in Enrile, Cagayan; Barangay Jose Panganiban in Bagumbayan, Sultan Kudarat; and Barangay Caruray in San Vicente, Palawan.

Most pressing problems of the Philippines?

There are so many pressing problems of the Philippines. Some of the common problems include poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, corruption and so much more.

Community problems in the philippines?

There many community problems that face the people in the Philippines. Some of these problems include crime, poverty, lack of proper sanitation and so much more.

What are the powers and functions of a Barangay appropriation committee chairman?

The Barangay Appropriation Committee Chairman is responsible for overseeing the budget preparation process, reviewing financial documents, and ensuring that funds are allocated appropriately. They also have the authority to propose changes to the budget and present reports to the barangay council on budget matters.

What are the problems on administration and supervision of schools in the Philippines?

Some of the problems encountered in supervision of schools in the Philippines is the lack of money. Administrators also have trouble with attendance in some areas, because parents want their children working.

What are some major education problems in Philippines?

The Weather problems and with floods so they sometimes can't go to school.

Discuss some Health Economic problems in the Philippines?

about cheaper medicine that's all.

What are some economic problems of the Philippines in the present?

well uhh its bad and uhh its poor

What are the specific social problem in the Philippines?

Some of the specific social problems in the Philippines includes unemployment which leads to crime and prostitution. Child labor is another specific problem in the Philippines.

What are common firefighting injuries?

Some common firefighting injuries would be knee/ankle problems, back problems, and shoulder problems.

What are the cultural problems of the Philippines?

The cultural problems of the Philippines mainly revolve around socio-culture. This is a situation where many cultures come into play and there some people who are discriminated as a result of having a particular cultural background.