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Discosoma mushrooms, zoa and palythoa polyps, colt corals, Kenya tree, all kinds of leather corals and star polyps.

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Q: What are some beginner soft corals?
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Why soft corals live in deeper water than hard corals?

soft corals live deeper water than hard corals because soft corals do not create a hard outer skeleton as the hard corals do.

Are soft corals food for other organisms?

Yes, soft corals can be food for certain organisms such as certain shrimp, snails, and nudibranchs. Some fish species may also feed on soft corals as part of their diet.

What is the difference between hard corals and soft corals?

The difference is in the name; soft corals have a soft body, with no bony or hard parts. In contrast, hard corals have a hard endoskeleton made of calcium carbonate.

What are some soft corals?

Discosoma mushrooms, zoa and palythoa polyps, colt corals, Kenya tree, all kinds of leather corals and star polyps.

What is a fan coral?

Fan corals are a group of soft corals in the order Gorgonacea. They are soft corals that form colonies that look like fans.

What is the main difference Between hard and soft corals?

The difference is in the name; soft corals are soft have body ; with no bony or hard Parts

What is the temperature for corals to survive in?

Usually 72 - 76 degrees F, but most corals prefer different temps, when answering this question it depends on if it is soft corals or hard corals, but this is the average temp

What kind of coral is found in the Great Barrier Reef?

sea pens, blue corals, soft corals and sea fans.

What is the difference between soft coral and stony coral?

Stony corals are made out of calcium carbonate, usually don't have pores and are in anthrozoan (stationary) colonies, soft corals are porous, "fleshy", and flexible.

How do corals catch plankton?

no corals do not catch plankton even though they are an animal Actually, both hard and soft corals do catch plankton. A coral polyp (the individual coral animal) has a mouth surrounded by stinging tentacles. Hard corals stretch out their tentacles at night, when the plankton are drifting in the water. (Soft corals may catch plankton both at night and in the daytime.) The corals use their tentacles to sting the plankton and stuff it into their mouths.

What is hard and soft coral?

Hard Corals and Soft Corals are not so easily defined because some corals which fall into the Soft Coral category are not actually soft. The basics are like this: Corals start out as free-floating larvae. The larva eventually attaches itself to a hard surface and becomes a polyp (individual coral). The polyp is a very tiny animal (a few millimeters in diameter) looking something like a sea anemone. Coral polyps live side by side in colonies. The Hard coral (such as Brain Coral) polyp secretes a limestone skeleton cup around itself and lives inside for protection. When a polyp dies, its skeleton or "house" remains intact. The name "hard coral" comes from skeleton around the polyp. Hard corals are the reef builders Soft coral (such as gorgonians or sea fans) are more tree-like and flexible. The skeleton of soft corals is located within their bodies, giving them form but allowing them to move with the waves. When you look at a coral formation you are looking at a colony of corals or lots of polyp "houses" (in the case of hard corals). Many identical coral individuals next to each other, forming a texture, pattern or structure. The pattern's characteristics are determined by the coral's species. Besides the skeleton location, most hard corals have 6 tentacles where most soft corals have 8.

What is hard corals?

Hard Corals and Soft Corals are not so easily defined because some corals which fall into the Soft Coral category are not actually soft. The basics are like this: Corals start out as free-floating larvae. The larva eventually attaches itself to a hard surface and becomes a polyp (individual coral). The polyp is a very tiny animal (a few millimeters in diameter) looking something like a sea anemone. Coral polyps live side by side in colonies. The Hard coral (such as Brain Coral) polyp secretes a limestone skeleton cup around itself and lives inside for protection. When a polyp dies, its skeleton or "house" remains intact. The name "hard coral" comes from skeleton around the polyp. Hard corals are the reef builders Soft coral (such as gorgonians or sea fans) are more tree-like and flexible. The skeleton of soft corals is located within their bodies, giving them form but allowing them to move with the waves. When you look at a coral formation you are looking at a colony of corals or lots of polyp "houses" (in the case of hard corals). Many identical coral individuals next to each other, forming a texture, pattern or structure. The pattern's characteristics are determined by the coral's species. Besides the skeleton location, most hard corals have 6 tentacles where most soft corals have 8.