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Q: What are organisms that float near the surface of freshwater lakes and ponds called?
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What are tiny organisms that float near the surface of freshwater and marine envioments called?

the answer is phytoplankton or plankton

What type of water is most likely to float on the surface of the ocean?

Freshwater is less dense than seawater because it has a lower salinity, so it is more likely to float on the surface of the ocean. This is why rivers flowing into the ocean form distinct layers of freshwater on top of the saltwater.

What is Ocean organisms that float at or near the oceans surface?


What are organisms that float near the surface of fresh water lakes?

algae people dead fish

Can human float in freshwater?


How do plankton differe from nekton?

Plankton is the mass of mostly microscopic organisms that float or drift freely in freshwater and marine environments and Nekton are all organisms the swim actively in open water, independent of currents.

Why is it easy to float in the a salt water lake?

It is easier to float in a saltwater lake compared to freshwater because the higher salt content increases the water's density. This increased density makes it easier for objects, including our bodies, to float on the surface of the water.

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Do you float or sink in salt water?

You are more likely to float in salt water than in freshwater due to the increased density of salt water. The salt makes the water denser, providing more buoyancy and making it easier for objects, including humans, to float on its surface.

Organisms that float on water are called?

Organisms that float on water are called plankton. Plankton can be either phytoplankton (plant-like) or zooplankton (animal-like), and they play a vital role in aquatic ecosystems as the base of the food chain.

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