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a plant under the sea

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Q: What are grape Corals plants?
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Are corals plants or fish?

Corals are plants.

What kingdown do most plants and animals belong to when difficult to classify?

lichens, corals, viruses, corals, viruses and carnivourous plants are difficult to classify :)

Is coral a tiny plant?

Corals are animals, not plants, but they do have plants growing in them, algae.

What are climbing plants?

Vines, such as ivy or grape plants.

Are corals animals plants or minrals?

PLANTS.they live in the they swim?no so they specifaclly are plants

What looks more like plants than animals.?

Corals are in the animal class of Anthozoa's, and live in compact colonies in the ocean reefs. People often confuse corals with plants because of their appearance.

Are corals animals or plants?

Corals are animals.Even though corals look like plants, they are actually animals. Each animal in a coral colony is called a polyp. They have hard external skeleton made from calcium carbonate, and a soft body inside the skeleton.The "flowers" of a coral are actually tentacles which cleverly draw in and capture prey.The main difference between plants and animals is that plants make their own food, whereas animals must eat plants or other animals.

Why are corals different from other sea creatures?

Corals are not plants. They are the colonies of dead creatures called polyps. Their skeletons stack to make coral reefs.

Are there any plants living at the ocean floor?

Yes, the corals, the reefs, the seaweed

Description plants and corals?

coral takes 100 years to fully grow

What are some saltwater plants?

red grape algea

Do grape pineapple and pomegranate plants have thorns?
