I don't know!! I asked wiki answers but they didn't answer my question :( this website sucks!
Largest desert region in united states
It covers 6 states the great basin tribe lives allthrough North America theres 1 that's i searched up
the great basin tribe lives allthrough north America theres 1 that's i searched up
three facts about the great basin tribes
Many facts are known about the Great Basin Tribes. They had to hunt for their food and make their own shelter. They were also nomads and had to move about to keep finding plentiful food.
how many tribes lived in california
The Pauite tribe in the Great Basin.
To the best of my ablitlity the use to caring alot of things
its big it is most of nevad utah and california
The Paiute tribes still exist today in the area known as the "Great Basin". Due to the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934, the majority of the tribes are federally recognized.
i donyt know !!!!!!!!!!!!11
they practise slash and burn and this basin is a tribal basin with approximately 400 tribes.
the great basin