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Fact # 1Contrary to popular belief, the rain forest is NOT the "lungs of the planet". This myth comes from the notion that the rain forest is a net carbon sink, i.e., that it removes more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than it emits into the atmosphere, thus making the air more oxygen-rich for human breathing, as well as reducing greenhouse gas levels, and thus reducing the potential for global warming. The problem is, the rain forest is not a net carbon sink. It is, at best, carbon neutral. Yes, the living trees and plants in a rain forest consume a great deal of carbon dioxide, breaking it up into carbon and oxygen and storing the carbon in its own tissue as cellulose and other organic compounds. But, when those trees die, they rot. And when they rot, that carbon is set free, and quickly re-combines with oxygen to form carbon dioxide. If there was any soil to speak of in the rain forest, some small part of that carbon could be stored in the ground. But the soil is very thin there, so very, very little gets stored in the ground. It's all stored in the plant tissue, and it is all released when the plant dies and rots. Over time, the rain forest produces just as much carbon dioxide as it consumes. Therefore, the rain forest is not helping the global warming "problem" at all, at best it is neutral and the natural decaying process produces vast ammounts of methane.

About 2000 trees in the rain forest are cut down every minute.

They are mostly in humid tropical regions with dense evergreen forest and many species of trees,plants,insects,lizards,birds and animals with over 300 cm of rainfall.this isno good thing to do

the trees are tall, it rains there, it's a forrest, there are many different animals, some medecines are found in the rain forest

rainforests have trees and vines and animals.

it rains a average of 50-260 in. a year.

Over 200 species live there,their cool if you look into it + more

it usually rainsthe forest's trees are so tightly packed that sometimes it can take up to 10 mins for the rain to reach the ground

Well, coincidentally-

  1. theres only 3 in the world
  2. they are fun to be in
  3. and this is the 3rd fact

Over 200 species live in the rain forest, including new bacteria. Panthers, tree frogs, and

about more than 3 dozen other animals live in the tropical rainforest. Not only do animals live

there, but plants live there, too! Plants like aloe, ferns, and even fly traps live in the tropical

rainforest, too! Only 2% of the world's surface is covered by the tropical rainforest biomes. And

in the 2%, 50% of the Earth animals species lives in the tropical. And out of that more than 30%

of those animals live in the Amazon!

A tropical rainforest, the ecosystem usually found around the equator

  • Shrouded in a thick mist, you can find the only tree that grows the rare Amazonian Ipapa Berry. This fruit is yellow and orange in colour and can grow up to 22cm long! It has a soft consistency, and is very sour.
  • The Delta Lizard is an indigenous species of some rainforests. It resembles a chameleon though it has a very short tail, and bright red eyes which gives it the impression of an evil glare.
  • If you plan on staying in a rainforest for an extended period of time you may be surprised to know that over-exposure to the climate can lead to diseases and deformations including but not limited to:
    • Bloodfire: A disease in which blood grows warmer at an alarming rate causing the body to shut down. Very rare.
    • Mycetic Spores: Caused by tiny Tyranid organisms that infect and break down in skin infecting the victim from the inside. Rare.
    • Kepral's Syndrome: Named after a well-known explorer from the 1830's, Kenneth Kepral was the first known case of this illness. It is another small parasitic organism that slowly devours the area of the brain that controls sanity. Uncommon.

only 6% of the world is Rainforest

  • Giant bamboo plants can grow up to 9 inches a day
  • 80% of the flowers in the Australian rainforest are not found anywhere else in the world
  • 1 out of 4 ingredients in our medicines come from rainforest plants
  • the rainforest of central Africa is home to more than 8,000 species of plants
  • about 2,000 tree of the rainforest are being cut down per minute

its humid, it rains a lot, its got layers like an onion, contains many different species, it's near the coast, will probably have coconut trees, the ground is damp, it has certain trees that can only be found in rain forests

hope that helps

it receives the most rainfall of all other Biomes.

it's very wet

how many types of monkeys are in a tropical rain forest im not pretty sure go on Google and type in the question and you will get choices click one of them and then you will probably get your answer!!!!! This website is fake it does not help you at all go on a real website were experts and people who know alot about things and look and there they can help you!!

Tropical Rain Forest is the album

there are trees and animals


sorry i had to say that but there are many different species of animal and most are becoming extinct and many wild plants and thunder storms but for a lot more better facts i suggest a library and books.

There are lots of interesting facts about rain forests. Notably are listed below.

There are some giant bamboo plants which can grow up to 9 inches per day.

An area of the rainforest which is about the size of the a football field is destroyed every second.

Some monkeys are omnivores which eat other animals.

In some rainforests there are flying animals such as squirrels and snakes.
The rain forest gets anywhere from 80 to 400 inches of rain a year
an interesting fact about the rain forest is that there are more than 50 species of tropical animals that live there and the yellow nape amazon parrot can mostly be found in Central America
awwwwww mannn i cant hold it in any longer said dylan!!!!! hyun ji park said she likes women!!!!! ronald likes men on top of him!!!! liam is so cool!!!!

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it istn hot is the derste rso go away and get of this web site u u u

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The rain forest is filled with many diverse and exotic animals. In the rain forest, there are pumas, ant eaters, and a large variety of primates.

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Australia has more than two types of rainforest. Australia has tropical rainforests, sub-tropical rainforests, warm temperate rainforests and cool temperate rainforests.

Where can you find a website that lists non-living things in rainforests?

Some good websites that lists non-living things in rainforests are biology or ecosystems related sites whose addresses end in '.edu'. An online source, such as an encyclopedia is also good forÊfinding facts on this topic.

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There are no rainforests in Canada.

Why are the rainforests important for trees?

trees are the rainforests

Animmals of rainforests?

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Is there a continent that does not have any rainforests?

Yes. Antarctica has no rainforests.

Do leeches live in rainforests?

They do live in rainforests! Mostly because rainforests are damp. A rainforest can be found in south america.