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lava lamps, matches, flares, light houses

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Q: What are 4 things that make light?
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What are 4 things needed for plants to make food?

water, heat, light, and food

What light bulb should i use to make things glow in the dark?

A ultra violet light will make things glow.

What can light?

Light can do many things. some of the thing are that light can give things color, can make solar calculators work, can make cars move, and also it can help plants grow. That's ome of the things light can do.

What do lights do?

Light can do many things. some of the thing are that light can give things color, can make solar calculators work, can make cars move, and also it can help plants grow. That's ome of the things light can do.

What do microscopes use to make things look bigger?

light microscopes uses light and lenses to magnify things look bigger .

What are 4 basic things living things must satisfy?

air water food and light

How do you make a glass cup?

There are many things that make up a prism. Such as glass, light a it has to be in a certain shape to have the light pass through it.

If you have 4 things in common with a werewolf are you a werewolf?

No. If you have 4 things in common with a chimp, does that make you a chimp?

What 4 things needed for photosynthesis to happen?

light carbon dioxide water a plant

How does light absorb things?

Light does not absorb things. Light can be absorbed by things.

What is light good for?

Light is essential for vision, as it allows us to see and perceive our surroundings. It also plays a role in regulating our sleep-wake cycle and mood by influencing the production of hormones like melatonin. Additionally, light is vital for photosynthesis in plants, which is the process by which plants convert light energy into chemical energy to grow and survive.

What are things that are having chemical energy?

'Things' that are given or do have chemical energy are working with other energy to produce light, sound or just to make things work!