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lady fern, white oak, and arrowwood

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Q: What are 3 producers in a deciduous forest?
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What are some producers in the deciduous forest biome?

Trees, bushes, mosses, and lichens.

Are there more producers or consumers in a deciduous forest?

There are typically more consumers (such as herbivores and carnivores) than producers (plants) in a deciduous forest ecosystem. This is because energy is transferred and lost at each trophic level, resulting in a larger number of individuals at the lower trophic levels.

What is the maple tree's natural habitat?

Deciduous forest

What are 5 producers in a deciduous forest biome?

Oak trees: These trees are important producers in deciduous forests, providing food and shelter for a variety of organisms. Maple trees: Maple trees are another common producer in deciduous forests, providing sap, seeds, and foliage for many animals. Ferns: Ferns are non-flowering plants that grow in the understory of deciduous forests, contributing to the overall biomass of the ecosystem. Wildflowers: Various wildflowers such as trilliums, violets, and asters are important producers in deciduous forests, providing nectar and pollen for pollinators. Mosses: Mosses are small, non-vascular plants that play a role as primary producers in capturing and retaining moisture in the forest environment.

What biome has deciduous trees?

Deciduous trees are typically found in temperate forests biome. These trees shed their leaves in the fall in response to colder temperatures and less sunlight.

What are 3 deciduous trees in Virginia?

A small Virginian forest

What biomes would you pass through from los angeles California to Washington dc?

the deciduous forest, desert, grassland, deciduous forest. ChaCha!

What are typical primary consumers in a temperature deciduous forest?

Different areas of deciduous forest have can have different types of primary consumers. A primary consumer is any organism that eats producers. Some examples of primary consumers include deer, squirrels, rabbits, etc.

What kind of water is in the deciduous forest?

Mainly fresh water is in a deciduous forest.

Are there monkeys in the temperate deciduous forest?

Yes, I think there are monkeys in the deciduous forest

What are some producers in the deciduous?

Deciduous trees Flowers Mushroom Grass

What are some of the biotics in a deciduous forest?

Some biotics in the deciduous forest are the animals that live there