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THOUSANDS and possibly MILLIONS of species live in the coral reef habitat. We haven't even BEGUN to classify ALL OF the dazzling array of life that the coral reef habitat supports.

However, SOME of these are: sponges, nudibranchs, black tip reef sharks, groupers, clown fish, eels, parrot fish, snapper, scorpion fish, jellyfish, anemones, sea stars, crabs, shrimp, lobsters, turtles, sea snakes, snails, octopuses, nautilus, clams, and of course, what most people seem to forget, the coral itself.

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12y ago

fish, sharks most fish live there

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Q: What animals live in the coral reef?
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What are the coral reef animals?

There are THOUSANDS of species of coral reef animals, how would we go about posting that for you here?

Animals that live in a coral reef?

Sea anenomes, Coral, Clown fish, eels such as the Moray, Groupers (AKA Sea Bass), and Reef sharks live in the coral reef zone.

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What animals live on the coral reef?

corals, anemones

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Are dolphins coral reef animals?

No they are not coral reef animals

What climat is the coral reef in?

the climate in the coral reef is wet and very worm. Good for animals to live in.

Which animals live in the coral reef?

Well, clown fish do!

What animals are found on the sand of coral reef?

Two animals that I know live on the sand of a Coral Reef are a Jawfish and Garden Eel, but there is guaranteed to be many more.

What endangered animals live in coral reef?

a angel fish nemo

Do oysters live by the coast or in the coral reef?

They live in a coral reef

Do whales live in the coral reef?

No. whales do not live in the coral reef they live in the ocean