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a mole and a vole but as far as i know that's it but if anyone know more i request that you please post it up.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Giant Anteaters and tropical snakes

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Q: What animals live in the bottom layer of the rainforest?
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What animals live in the forest floor layer of the rainforest?

jaguars, reptiles,bottom dwellers. ect..

What level does a peacock live in the rainforest?

Bottom Layer

In which layer of a tropical rainforest do most animals live?

the canapy.

What animals live emergant rainforest layer?


What layer of the rainforest do aquatic animals live in?

that is a good question the subteranean

What animals live in the emergent layer in the amazon rainforest's?

Birds and monkeys.

What layer of the rainforest do monkeys live in?

Orangutans live in the rainforest canopy. Other animals that live in the canopy are the sloth, toucans, parrots, spider monkeys, and lemurs. The layer under the canopy is called the understory and the layer below that is the rainforest floor.

Does a green snake live in the shrub layer of a rainforest?

Yes they live on the VERY bottom of the forest floor

What animals live in the canopy layer in the rainforest?

Animals like birds, monkeys and certain types bugs

What layer do pumas live in the rainforest?

They live on the Forest Floor layer of the rainforest

What animals live in the river bank layer of the rainforest?

caterpillers, crocs, fish and frogs all live there.

The bristled macaw and spotted tariot are two species of animals that live in a rainforest Which layer of the rainforest will support these species?

The canopy