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Insects account for the greatest percentage of animals in the desert, especially ants and termites.

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Snakes and scorpions

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Q: What animals do you chiefly associate with a desert?
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What animals do you chiefly associate with desert?

Reptiles, camels and raptors.

What do you call the animals that live in desert?

Desert Animals.

What animals eat the desert lily?

The animals that eat the desert lily are desert animals. Some examples of these animals are insects, reptiles, and tortoises.

What foods in the desert?

The type of food in the desert depend on who is eating it. Animals in the desert often eat other animals. Some animals can eat certain desert plants.

What animals eat desert lilys?

desert animals, kangroos, and more.

What animals live in Siwa?

There are currently 4 animals that live in Siwa: The Desert Fox, the Desert Dear, the Desert Rat, and the Desert Bird You will be lucky to see such as these animals with your eyes, as these animals are so extinct

What do desert animals live on?

Desert animals either feed on plants or they feed on other animals.

What is going to happen to the animals in the desert if their no water in the desert what will happen to the plant and animals?


What kind of animals are desert consumers?

Desert consumers are desert animals that eat other animals or plants. Some desert consumers are camels, scorpians, sand cats, Addax antelope and many others.

What are the Arabian desert animals?

suck balls.... nah just kidding . desert animals are animals that live in the desert

Why are there more animals in the desert better than the Rainforest?

The animals in the desert are better than the animals in the desert because the desert animals can survive like years without water. The animals in the rainforest get water like everyday so the animals in the rainforest would die if they went like a day without water.

Some animals in the desert get water from these?

The place where Desert animals get their water from is called a Waterhole, an oasis.