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Petra is an ancient city that is very beautiful.

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Petra is a UNESCO world heritage site.

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Q: What ancient city in Jordan draws the most tourists?
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Where is petra ancient city?


Where the is ancient city of petra located in Jordan or in Syria?

The remains of the city of Petra are located in Jordan.

Which ancient city means City of stone?

Petra in Jordan.

What country would you find the ancient city of Petra?

The ancient city of Petra, is located in Jordan.

What ancient city was once called Philadelphia?

Amman Jordan was built on top of the ancient city of Philadelphia

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What is a mecca Mecca was a ancient city in the city of Jeruselum of Jordan?

Mecca is a city in Saudi Arabi. It is the holiest city for Muslims -- when Muslims pray, they allign themselves so that they bow towards Mecca. Mecca is neither in Jeruselum nor in Jordan.

What are facts about Jordan the country?

Jordan is located in the Middle East and is known for its ancient history and archaeological sites like Petra. It is a constitutional monarchy with King Abdullah II as the current ruler. The majority of the population is of Arab descent and the official language is Arabic.

What is the closest river to Jerusalem?

Jordan river .. it is about 30 miles (50 km) from westward Jerusalem to Jordan river

What country's ancient city of Petra was made famous by Indiana Jones movies?

Petra is in the Kingdom of Jordan.

What 7th wonder of the world is located in Jordan?

The ancient city of Petra is the 7th wonder of the world located in Jordan. It is known for its rock-cut architecture and intricate water conduit system.