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Q: What affects the oceans currents?
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How does ocean life affect ocean currents?

It's more likely the other way around. Ocean currents affect ocean life. Perhaps in a subtle way, since all life on the planet affects the atmosphere, especially the algae in the oceans releasing oxygen, that ocean life affects the weather, which in turn affects the ocean currents. It's also possible that some "seaweed forests" slow the movement of currents.

What percentage of the oceans currents are surface currents?


What happens to an oceans currents when it hits a continent?

An oceans currents will change direction when they hit a continent.

What are rivers of moving water in the oceans called?

These are called currents.

What are rivers in oceans called?


How salinity affects deep currents?

it makes cold water rise 2 the surface.and that's how sailinity affects currents.

Only oceans have currents?

A+ False By Abii

How do currents affect oceans?

because its hot

What affects does the moon have on earths oceans?

The moon affects the oceans on earth in many ways. It raises tides in oceans. It helps cleaning ocean water.

What do currents do for the ocean and the earth?

To my way of thinking it sustains life. the currents ebb and flow move nutrients around, up and down feeding the oceans. the hot rises and the cold, falls, the hot and cold movement affects the weather and wind. the wind affects the current one big circle of which without life could not exist on the planet.

What is the possessive form of oceans?

The possessive form of the plural noun oceans is oceans'. Example: The oceans' currents north of the equator are a clockwise rotation.

What causes most oceans waves and currents?

The wind.