He built the Sahra Mosanlata for the temple's people
He built the Sahara mosanlata for the temples people.
Shi Huangdi made all of china use the same currency, improved system of writing, made codes of laws, common weights and measurments. These are the things Shi Huangdi took to unite the economy and culture of China!
Shi Huangdi made all of china use the same currency, improved system of writing, made codes of laws, common weights and measurments. These are the things Shi Huangdi took to unite the economy and culture of China!
lol who cares
He outlawed the ideas of Confucius and Others
He teamed his Nationalist forces with Communist forces
NovaNet>> He teamed his Nationalist forces with Communist forces.
Shi Huangsdi divided China into districts each with its own governor
Nightly Business Report
They did take place