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it could be learning something else along with X1 & XII Bi-focal courses are part of the science stream where students can opt for any vocational subject in lieu of the second language, geography and Biology. The vocational subjects include computer science; electronics; mechanical and electrical maintenance; scooter and motorcycle repair and civil engineering.

Usually, students aiming for engineering degree studies opt for bi-focal courses as it gives them better scoring opportunities. This can be gauged from the fact that bi-focal stream students have traditionally dominated the toppers in the higher secondary certificate (HSC, class XII) exams at state as well as divisional levels. Electronics and computer science rank among the most sought-after bi-focal courses.

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Q: What Means Bifocal science?
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It means you are using a bifocal contact lens that has a bifocal power of about +1.25 to +1.50. A high add would have the bifocal power of about +2.50.

What are the compulsory subjects and Optional subjects in Bifocal Science stream?

compulsary-physics,chemistry,maths optional-computer science / electronics

In the words bicycle bilingual and bifocal what does the bi stand for?

bi means 2 as in bicycle (2 wheels), bifocal (2 eyes), bilingual (2 languages).

Root word in bifocal?

The root word in bifocal is "focal," which refers to the point at which light rays converge after passing through a lens. The prefix "bi-" in bifocal means two, indicating that bifocals have two distinct areas for different vision correction needs.

What kind of words that have bi?

The prefix "bi" means "2" bilateral bifocal bifurcate

What is the meaning of bifocal science?

Bifocal science refers to an interdisciplinary approach that combines two different fields of study or perspectives to gain a deeper understanding of a specific topic or problem. It involves integrating insights and methods from two distinct disciplines to provide a more comprehensive analysis or solution. The term "bifocal" is used metaphorically to emphasize the need for different lenses or viewpoints in scientific inquiry.

How do you use bifocal in a sentence?

My gran has some bifocal glasses.

What is a bifocal lens?

bifocals are glass lens that you place upon your nose & push up. they help you see better & / read

What is bifocal computer science?

Bifocal subjects are vocational subjects. They include Computer Science, Electronics, Scooter Motor Mechanics, Electrical and Civil Mechanics. You can choose a vocational subject in 11th std as as optional subject given that you have the required percentage. Choosing a vocational subject rids the student of two other option subjects like biology, german, sanskrit, geography.