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the answer is ganges

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Q: What Indian river can you find buried bodies of the dead?
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How many bodies are buried in the tombs in the pyramids?

their still looking for the dead bodies.

Do dead bodies get eaten when buried?

no idea... hope not

Who was buried in the Mississippi river?

a dead person

Who was buried in Mississippi river?

a dead person

What do they do with dead dog bodies?

What ever the owner wants (mainly buried).

How were the dead bodies of 1665 dealt with?

They were buried 6 feet down and burned

What continent is the gauges river located on?

The Ganges river is located in the Indian subcontinent in Asia. It is not so much a river as an open sewer with all manner of dead bodies, human waste, and debris floating down to the sea.

What did the nazi do with the dead Jews?

They either buried them in mass graves or cremated (burned) the bodies.

Who did they make the pyramids for?

Dead bodies of the kings, only kings got to be buried in pyramids!

Which river in India is polluted by trash dead bodies and dead cattle?

The indus, i believe

Why did the river god attack Achilles?

violating him with dead bodies

Why are dead bodies found in the Ganges river?
