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the Kalahari Desert is located in Southwest Africa and covers in part: South Africa, Nambia and Botswana

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The savanna is not a desert. It is a transition zone between a desert and another biome, such as a forest. The savannas of Africa are mainly grasslands.

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Q: What Countries does the Kalahari desert cover?
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What Countries cover the Kalahari Desert?

It is mainly located in Botswana, but parts of it are also located in Namibia and South Africa.

How is the Kalahari related to African deserts?

The Kalahari Desert is in southern Africa in the countries of Botswana, South Africa, and Namibia.

What countries does the Kalahari Desert run through?

The Kalahari Desert can be found in Botswana and parts of Namibia and South Africa,

Is the kalahari desert in South Africa?

The Kalahari desert is spread across 3 countries: South Africa, Botswana & Namibia

How is the Kalahari desert related to African deserts?

The Kalahari Desert is in southern Africa in the countries of Botswana, South Africa, and Namibia.

In what African country can you find the Kalahari desert?

The Kalahari enters the countries of Angola, Botswana, Namibia and South Africa.

What desert is near Botswana?

The Kalahari Desert covers most of Botswana.

What is the second smallest desert in Africa?

The Kalahari Desert.KalahariKalahari

Is the Kalahari Desert cold or hot?

The Kalahari is classified as a hot sub tropical desert.

Is Kalahari desert hot or cold?

The Kalahari Desert is a hot desert.

What is the Kalahari Desert - a hot desert or cold desert?

The Kalahari is a subtropical hot desert.

Is the Kalahari Desert of Africa north of south of Cuba?

The Kalahari Desert is south of Cuba.