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sharks,whales,parahnas,catfish,and coral

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Q: What Are 5 Herbivores In The Oceans Ecosystem?
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Why is the rabbits ecosystem a forest?

They are Herbivores.

Are herbivores a producer or a consumer in the ecosystem?

Herbivores are consumers in the ecosystem because they feed on producers (plants). They obtain their energy by consuming plants, and they are then consumed by predators in the food chain.

How could carnivores die out if an ecosystem does not have enough plants?

Carnivores live by hunting herbivores. If an ecosystem does not have enough plants to feed a population of herbivores there will not be enough herbivores to feed a population of carnivores and so they will die out.

Is there more carnivores than herbivores?

In general, there tend to be more herbivores than carnivores in an ecosystem. This is because herbivores form the base of the food chain, supporting the larger number of carnivores that rely on them for food.

What percentage of the light energy that is absorbed by photosynthetic algae from the sun is available as food for herbivores in the oceans?

60 25 15 5

What service does a Cheetah provide for its ecosystem?

It is a predator and it helps keep the number of herbivores in its ecosystem in check.

What is the ecosystem of the ocean?

the ecosystem of ocean is that the communities found in the oceans and their interaction between them.

What is the average rainfall of the oceans ecosystem?

What is the average rainfall for the year in an ocean ecosystem?

How do herbivores and carnivores depend on each other?

Herbivores rely on carnivores to control their population by preying on them, which maintains a balance in the ecosystem. Carnivores depend on herbivores as a food source for their survival. This interdependence helps regulate the population of both herbivores and carnivores and ensures the overall health of the ecosystem.

How would an ecosystem with a greater number of individual herbivores than individual producers affect the shape of the ecosystem's pyramid of numbers?

The pyramid of numbers would be inverted, with more herbivores at the base than producers. This is because more herbivores are consuming the producers, leading to a higher number of herbivores compared to producers.

What can raw sewage do to the oceans ecosystem?
