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1853: With the Gadsden Purchase of 1853, the land acquisition that resulted in the area of the 48 contiguous states today was completed. Southern Arizona and southern New Mexico were purchased for $10 million and named for the U.S. minister to Mexico, James Gadsden.

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Q: What 10 million dollar purchase completed the physical boundaries of the US from ocean to ocean?
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What 10 million purchase completed the physical boundaries of the US from ocean to ocean?

1853: With the Gadsden Purchase of 1853, the land acquisition that resulted in the area of the 48 contiguous states today was completed. Southern Arizona and southern New Mexico were purchased for $10 million and named for the U.S. minister to Mexico, James Gadsden.

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A "round turn" is a completed futures transaction involving both a purchase and a liquidating sale, or a sale followed by a covering purchase. 'Round turns per million per year' is a standardized measure of how many times a year a CTA would trade for a one million dollar size account. This number is usually extrapolated and not accurate.

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£1,184,000 in 1894 when it was completed ((£100 million at today's prices).

How much did the Louisiana purchase sell for?

It was $15 million.

What did the United states actually buy and what was the purchase price for the Louisiana purchase?

The price was 15 million The price was 15 million

How was manifest destiny accomplished?

The Manifest destiny was completed in 1853, the 19th century. It was accomplished after the Mexican-American war when James Gadsden arranged the purchase of a strip of land just south of the Mexican Cession for $10 million.

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America expanded it's territory by 360 million acres with the purchase of Alaska.

What land did Napoleon sell to the US to finance his European wars?

The US purchased the Louisiana Purchase for $15 million.

What was the purchase price of Alaska?

It was 7.2 million dollars or about 111 million in 2010 dollars.

Did the Louisiana Purchase cost the US 15 million?

The Louisiana Purchase cost the United States 15 million dollars. It was one of the best bargains in history.

What did Napoleon get from The Louisiana Purchase?

He received $15 million.