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Some hardships people building the Panama Canal faced were: - Trying to dig through jungle and mountains - Explosive diarrhea, caused by tropical diseases. - Attacking wombats (which is REALLY odd, because they don't originate from Panama) - Count Choculitis. - Hematite: the world's newest STD. - Oral Aquification: a rare, horrendous disease where the victim's teeth dissolve into an acidy liquid and drain down the backs of their throats. - Alcoholism. - Yellow fever. - malaria.

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Malaria almost ended the canal's construction.

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no- not in any direct way. Theodore Roosevelt, on the other hand, played a big role in getting the canal built.

Where can you get information on the Panama Canal?

You can start by reading Teddy Roosevelt's autobiography, but be aware of his own personal biases. Any regular biography of Roosevelt should also contain commentary on the canal, since he was the main force in ensuring it's completion. type panama canal into Google...check out a few sights, the best of the results is

Is the Panama Canal in use today?

Panama is in central American, and it is where the canal is found. The Panama Canal is a very significant canal, as it allows ships direct passage between the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic. This saves them trying to travel around South America, which would be a huge and dangerous journey. The Panama Canal is man-made and an incredible piece of engineering. Locks

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Locks, they are needed in any canal that is not entirely level and divide it into level sections thus acting as "water elevators" for ships raising or lowering them between these sections.

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None. (Well, arguably the interior of Panama itself). Any region "connected" with the US east coast via the canal was already "connected" via the Straits of Magellan. The canal did cut the sailing distance (and therefore the trip time) to the US west coast approximately in half, though.