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Q: Waterway over the Mediterranean Sea to Iraq and the neighboring countries important to Europe and the US?
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What important waterway connects the atlanta ocean and the mediterranean sea?

The Straits of Gibraltar

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What is the name of the waterway which provides southern European countries with a natural transportation system for trade and travel?

The Danube River and the Mediterranean Sea are two bodies of water that are important to Southern Europe's transportation and travel.

What is the major waterway of Israel?

The Mediterranean Sea.

What geographic feature at location P is an important waterway connecting the mediterranean sea tot he red sea?

Suez canal

What makes the strait of Gibraltar such a valuable waterway?

It is the only waterway from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea.

What is the world's largest inland waterway?

Mediterranean Sea

What is the waterway in and out of the Mediterranean is the what?

The Strait of Gibraltar or the Suez Canal

What waterway did Phoenicians do most of their trading on?

The Mediterranean Sea.

A narrow waterway separates Europe and Africa at the western end of the Mediterranean Sea What is the name of this waterway?

Straight of Gibralter

What waterway connects the Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea?

This is the Gibraltar Strait.

What is the Suez Chanal?

A waterway between the Mediterranean and the Red Sea