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It wasn't originally built for the Suez Canal, but it was originally conceived for the Suez Canal. I have read accounts that range from the original concept being meant to resemble an Arab peasant woman, to her being meant to resemble the goddess Isis. As Bartholdi was working on the concept, he realized that he would never get the funding from Egypt, he later traveled to New York and reconceived his plans. The statue now most closely resembes the Greek Goddess Hera.

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It was built in France to commemorate the centennial of the American Independence

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Q: Was the statue of liberty built for the Suez Canal?
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Who built the Suez canel?

The Suez Canal was built by the French owned Suez Canal Co.

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What was the suez canal and who built it?

Ferdinand De Lesseps built it to provide shorter shipping routes.

How was the statue of liberty paid for?

The Statue of Liberty was a gift. It was given to the USA by France in 1886. The gift was originally to be given to Egypt as a lighthouse for the Suez Canal, declined by the Egyptians due their dark history with France, specially Napoleon Bonaparte.

Where was Suez canal built?

In Egypt

How was the Suez Canal used?

The Suez Canal is and was used to for transportation of goods/supplies and people. When the Suez Canal was built, it was meant for transporting goods from South Asia to Europe. The Suez Canal was originally built by the French, but Great Britain bought it from them when it was completed and the canal became an important foothold in WWI and WWII.

What country was the Suez canal built in?

The country is Egypt

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What is the name of the major canal in Egypt that was built with the same technology as the panama canal?

The Suez Canal

Does the Suez canal go with France?

A French company with the use of eleven thousand forced labor workers built the Suez Canal.

What canal was built to enhance shipping routes in North Africa and southwest Asia?

It was the Suez Canal, constructed by the Suez Canal Company between 1859 and 1869.

Is it true that the Statue of Liberty was given to the Ottoman Empire initially?

No. However, the man who designed it, Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, originally wanted to put the statue at the entrance to the Suez Canal, in Egypt. However, the Ottoman Empire couldn't come up with the financial backing, and so the statue was built in New York City instead. Sources: see the Related Links below.