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Q: The temperature of the ocean water is warmest near the?
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Where is the warmest part of the ocean in the world?

In the Tropics. Shallow water will retain more heat than deeper water.

What is the main reason the warmest ocean waters are near the surface?

Warm ocean water is leass dense than cold water. So the cold water sinks and the warm water is left on top! Hope this helps! :)

Why is the Indian ocean warmer than the Atlantic ocean?

Because it lies near the tropical waters in all the oceans. Making it the warmest ocean, I think the pacific is the second warmest, Atlantic is the third southern ocean is the fourth and the arctic ocean is the coldest. It is small, and does not have a flow from the north.

Where on earth does the ocean water get warmed the most?

The ocean water gets warmed the most near the equator, as the sun's rays are more direct in this region, resulting in higher temperatures. This leads to the warmest waters found in tropical regions such as the Caribbean Sea, the South Pacific, and the Indian Ocean.

What are the coldest to warmest oceans in order?

The coldest oceans, on average, are the Arctic Ocean and the Southern Ocean, followed by the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Pacific Ocean. The warmest oceans are typically the Indian Ocean and parts of the Western Pacific Ocean near the equator.

Because of convection the warmest part in a room?

Because of convection, the warmest part of a room is typically near the ceiling. Warmer air rises due to its lower density, while cooler air sinks towards the floor. This creates a temperature gradient in the room with the warmest air accumulating near the ceiling.

Where is the warmest salt water north of the Carolinas?

The Northumberland Strait, near New Brunswick, Canada, reaches up to 25 degrees Celsius (about 77 degrees Fahrenheit) in the Summer months, even though the water is drained from the Atlantic Ocean.

How do ocean surfaces cause milder climate?

Ocean currents can carry warm water. As they are traveling, the warm water they are carrying warms up the air near them. The warmed air may then also warm the land around it, making the temperature of the land near the ocean currents milder.

How the temperature difference will change if you are near an ocean?

how the temperature difference would change if st. louis were next to an ocean

How do ocean surface currents cause milder climates?

Ocean currents can carry warm water. As they are traveling, the warm water they are carrying warms up the air near them. The warmed air may then also warm the land around it, making the temperature of the land near the ocean currents milder.

What temperature is the ocean near the equator?

Average temperature: 60 degrees F

Where would you find the warmest waters?

The warmest waters are typically found near the equator in tropical regions, such as the Caribbean, South Pacific, and Indian Ocean. These areas receive more direct sunlight, which warms up the water more consistently.