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continental shelf

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7y ago

Known as the Continental Shelf

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Q: The shallow ocean bottom extending from the continents for about 30 miles is the?
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Is 3 miles considered deep or shallow for a earthquake?

That is quite shallow for an earthquake.

How big is Appalachia?

1,500 miles, extending into Canada

The oceans are about miles thick under the continents?

50 Miles

Where do crabs live in deep or shallow water?

From my knowledge they live in both but mainly shallow water.

How many miles is California from top to bottom?

It's 850 miles from top to bottom.

Was the earthquake that hit Japan Fri Mar 11th 2011 a deep or shallow one?

It hit in the shallow waters about 80 miles from the coast of Japan.

How many miles from top of France to the bottom of France?

it uis 1,345 miles from top to bottom.

How many miles from top of Britain to the bottom of Britain?

its about 843 miles from top of Scotland to bottom of England!

Which ocean is larger than all of continents of the world combined?

The Pacific Ocean is larger than all of the world's continents combined. The ocean covers an area of 63.8 million square miles, while the continents only cover 57.4 million square miles.

Larger than all of the continents of the world combined?

The Pacific Ocean is larger than all of the world's continents combined. The ocean covers an area of 63.8 million square miles, while the continents only cover 57.4 million square miles.

Which ocean is larger than all the continents combined?

The Pacific Ocean is larger than all the continents combined. It covers approximately 63 million square miles, while the total land area of all the continents combined is about 57.5 million square miles.

The federal government claims jurisdiction over waters extending how many nautical miles from the coast?