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What is it called when one body of water runs into another body of water?

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago


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Q: The place where one body of water meets another?
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The place where the river meets the larger body of water is the end of the river?

Yes it is where the river meets the 'mouth' which basically means the sea. It is the end of the cycle.

Where is the mouth of a stream located?

The mouth of a stream is where it meets a larger body of water, such as a lake, ocean, or another stream. It is where the stream's water flows out and mixes with the water of the larger body.

What is a place where water leaves the lake to enter another body of water?

sluich gate

A place where water leaves lake to enter another body of water?

The place where water leaves a lake to enter another body of water is called an outlet. The only lakes that do not have an outlet for this source are the great salt lake and the dead sea.

Where does water leave a lake to enter another body of water?

The Place where the water leaves a lake and becomes a river is called the Head or the Source.

What body of water has a part called a 'mouth'?

A river has a part called a "mouth" where it flows into another body of water, such as a sea, ocean, or lake. This is typically where the river widens and meets the larger body of water.

What is a shore line?

A shoreline is where the land meets a body of water.

What is the name given to the place where a river flows into an ocean or another large body of water?


What place does water leave a lake to enter another body of water?

A lake generally overflows at a location where the surrounding land is lowest.

What does shoreline meane?

A shoreline is the line along which a large body of water meets the land

When was If a Body Meets a Body created?

If a Body Meets a Body was created on 1945-08-30.

What does mouth mean in towns that end in mouth in the UK?

In the UK, "mouth" in town names typically refers to the point where a river flows into the sea or another body of water. It denotes the location of the river's estuary or where it meets the larger body of water. Examples include Plymouth, Falmouth, and Barmouth.