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The majority of water distribution on earth comes from ground water, river and lake. The walker also comes from oceans.

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Most of the fresh water on the planet is actually contained underground or in the polar ice caps.

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Q: The majority of the water distribution on earth comes from groundwater ice rivers and lakes?
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What has more freshwater lakes and rivers or groundwater?

No, there is far more water in groundwater than is found in lakes and rivers. According to the United States Geological Survey groundwater accounts for 1.7% of all water on Earth. Although much of the water we use in our everyday comes from lakes and rivers, all together these sources account for approximately 0.014% of the water on Earth. Source: Gleick, P. H., 1996: Water resources. In Encyclopedia of Climate and Weather, ed. by S. H. Schneider, Oxford University Press, New York, vol. 2, pp.817-823

Does earths freshwater supply come from ground water lakes or rivers?

Earth's freshwater supply comes from a combination of sources, including groundwater, lakes, and rivers. Groundwater is stored in aquifers beneath the surface, while lakes and rivers are surface water sources that receive water from precipitation, runoff, and melting ice. Each source plays a critical role in providing freshwater for drinking, agriculture, industry, and ecosystems.

What is the distribution of main religions in the middle east?

The main religion distribution in Middle East is that Islam is the religion of majority there, then comes Christianity as the largest minority of Middle East and After that comes "Bahaism" as the 3rd largest religion of Middle East.

Where does 97 percent of earths water come from?

97% of Earth's water comes from the oceans, which contain saltwater. Only about 3% of Earth's water is freshwater, found in sources such as rivers, lakes, and groundwater.

Where does the majority of water come from?

The majority of water on Earth comes from the oceans, which hold about 97% of the planet's water in the form of saltwater. The remaining 3% is found in freshwater sources like glaciers, ice caps, rivers, and lakes.

What is heated groundwater that comes to the surface?

Heated groundwater that comes to the surface is known as a hot spring. These natural features occur when groundwater is heated by geothermal energy underground and then rises to the surface, often creating a relaxing place for bathing and recreation.

What water source contains more inorganic material?

Groundwater typically contains more inorganic material compared to surface water sources like rivers or lakes. This is because groundwater comes into contact with various minerals and rocks as it moves through the ground, leading to higher mineral content such as calcium, magnesium, and iron.

Where does the least amount fresh water come from?

Freshwater primarily comes from sources such as rivers, lakes, and groundwater. The least amount of freshwater typically comes from sources such as desalination plants that convert seawater into freshwater, or from recycled wastewater treatment plants that process sewage water into clean water.

Are base flow same as groundwater?

Base flow is the portion of streamflow that comes from groundwater discharge, but it is not exactly the same as groundwater. Groundwater refers to the water stored underground in aquifers, while base flow specifically refers to the contribution of groundwater to streamflow during dry periods when surface runoff is low.

Where does the water from the ocean come from?

The water in the ocean comes from various sources, including rivers, precipitation, and groundwater seepage. The water cycle plays a critical role in replenishing the ocean with freshwater from these sources. Evaporation from the ocean's surface is also a major contributor to the water cycle that sustains the water in the ocean.

Why is a spring considered part of the groundwater system?

A spring is considered part of the groundwater system because it is where groundwater flows naturally to the Earth's surface. When the water table intersects the ground surface, or when pressure forces water up to the surface, it emerges as a spring, providing a visible outlet for groundwater.