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The deeper the ocean is

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Q: The longer it takes sound to return to a ship?
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How long does it take to ship a webkinz?

longer you are the longer it takes

How echoes are used by a ship to find the depth of water?

A ship sends sound waves into the water using an echo sounder. The sound waves travel through the water and bounce off the seabed. By measuring the time it takes for the sound waves to return to the ship, the echo sounder can calculate the depth of the water based on the speed of sound in water.

Why a moving ship does take longer time as compared to a car when equal breaks are applied?

as the momentum of the ship is greater than that of the car, it takes a longer time for the ship to come to a halt. Hence it takes a longer time for the ship to come to rest than the car.

How do scientists map features of the ocean floor using sonar?

Scientists use sonar to map the ocean floor by sending sound waves from a ship to the ocean floor. These sound waves bounce back and are picked up by a receiver on the ship, providing information about the depth and texture of the ocean floor. By analyzing the time it takes for the sound waves to return, scientists can create detailed maps of the underwater terrain.

How long does it take for an American Girl Package to Ship?

it takes about 8 to 11 days but some times it takes ever longer.

What is Electronic depth-sounding equipment which allowed scientists in the 1920's and later to precisely measure the ocean depth?

The equipment is called a "fathometer" or "echo sounder." It works by emitting sound waves from a transducer on a ship, which bounce off the seafloor and return to the transducer. By measuring the time it takes for the sound waves to return, the depth of the ocean can be accurately determined.

What time delay is there before the echo is heard from the ship?

The time delay before the echo is heard from the ship is twice the time it takes for the sound to travel from the ship to the cliff and back. This delay can be calculated using the formula: time = distance / speed of sound.

How long is the travel time from Singapore to Bahrain by ship?

It takes about 15 days to go to Dubai from Singapore via ship. The sail time is longer than taking a flight which takes about 6 hours.

How do you spell the sound of ship?

The sound of a ship is usually spelled as "ship." If you are looking for an onomatopoeic representation of the sound of a ship, it is often described as "whoosh" or "swish" as it moves through the water.

Why does a moving ship take longer time to stop than taken by a car when brakes are applied to both?

Ship doesn't have brakes, it has to use reverse! But in any case, the reason a ship takes longer to stop than a car is that is has more momentum. Think of momentum as something that tells you how hard it will be to stop an object. More momentum means it will be harder to stop. Momentum is equal to the mass of the object times it velocity or speed. So a ship has a lot more mass that a car and takes longer to stop.

What was the name of the only ship to return from Magellans expedition?

The Victory is the only ship to return to Spain from Magellan's expedition.

Why does Canada trade the most with the United states?

Actually they all trade the same just it takes other countries longer to ship theres to the U.S.