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Pacific ocean! :D I hope I helped ;)

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Q: The largest layer of the ocean by volume of water is?
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What ocean carries the most water?

Pretty sure that the Pacific is the largest body of water in surface area, but that the Atlantic ocean contains a higher volume of water.

What is called largest water body?

The Pacific Ocean is the largest water body.

What body of water has the largest waves?

The Pacific Ocean is Earth's largest body of water.

Worlds largest river in volume of water?

The Amazon River in South America is the largest river in the world, by volume. Its water flow is so great that it exceeds the flow of the next 7 largest combined. The Amazon River drainage basin, adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean, is approximately 2.7 million square miles in area.

What is the larges body of water?

Pacific Ocean is the largest. Lake Baikal is the world's largest freshwater lake in terms of volume. Lake Superior has the largest surface area of a freshwater lake.

In which reservoir does a water molecule spend the most time?

A water molecule spends the most time in the ocean reservoir, as oceans hold the largest volume of water on Earth.

What is the deepest and densest layer of water in the ocean?

The deepest and densest layer of water in the ocean is the deep ocean or abyssal zone. This layer is located below the thermocline and contains the coldest and densest water in the ocean. It extends from about 1,000 meters down to the ocean floor.

What is the largest solution on earth?

The largest solution on Earth would likely be the Pacific Ocean, as it covers approximately 30% of the Earth's surface area and contains the largest volume of water compared to any other ocean.

Which is the largest sea or ocean in the world?

The Pacific Ocean is the largest body of water on Earth.

What percent of earth's water is found in the pacific ocean?

The Pacific Ocean contains about 50.1% of the Earth's water. It is the largest and deepest ocean on Earth, holding a significant portion of the planet's total water volume.

What is the largest body of water?

The largest body of water on Earth is the Pacific Ocean.

What is the largest body water?

The largest body of water on Earth is the Pacific Ocean.