The Great Lakes are on the North American Continent and reside between the countries of Canada and the USA.
The five Great Lakes are: Lake Heron, Lake Ontario, Lake Michigan, Lake Erie, and Lake Superior. They are located on the continent of North America.
Continent=North America Country=U.S.A. The Great Lake of Superior is found In the continent of North America
The Great Lakes are located in both the US and Canada, in the continent of North America.
Great Salt Lake is in the northern part of the U.S. state of Utah and therefore on the continent of North America.
The Great Salt Lake is in North America. It is located in the northern part of Utah.
The Great Salt Lake is located in the northern part of Utah. It is in North America.
Great Bear Lake is located in Canada. Canada is located in North America. So Great Bear Lake is in North America.
The Great Bear Lake is located in the Northwest Territories of Canada, the northern country of the North America Continent.
Lake Heron is located on the continent of North America. It is one of the five Great Lakes (Heron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, and Lake Superior) also known as H.O.M.E.S.
The North American continent has the largest group of freshwater lakes. These are called the Great Lakes and include Lake Michigan, Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario.